yoga + breathwork

Yoga is the practice

This is the threshold. To plow through life, seeking pleasures, avoiding pain, rejecting dissonance, reveling in success, and cursing the vicissitudes of fortune. Or to pursue a life of inquiry, simultaneously nonattached and deeply immersed. To experience all of yourself as both the center of the universe and a dust mote on the filament of history. To choose to have a practice - a daily discipline of yoking your heart to your mind, your mind to your breath, your breath to your body, your body to the earth and the rest of humanity - is to pass this threshold into the examined, mindful life.

The exact way in which you engage in that yoking (in Sanskrit, the yoga) will change. Should change. The course of your relationships, your career, and your health will inevitably shift; the only constant is change. Likewise your asana practice and other m ind/body pursuits will, should shape-shift over a lifetime.

Passion, depression, contentment, inquiry, exaltation, loss. Will you engage or will you deflect? Will you be immersed or consumed? Like anything substantial, to live a mindful life isn’t easy. It takes attention and skill. It takes beginning where you are, as you are now, yoking this larger intention to the present moment. It takes practice.

what is BreathworK?

Breathwork is Conscious Connected Breathing and is designed to restore the healthy mechanics & rhythms of your breath by gradually supporting the body to feel safe, and in doing so, breathe fully and dynamically again.

By inviting you to breathe in this way, unprocessed emotions, sounds and movements that have been preventing you from living more fully can emerge to be felt, seen and expressed.

Releasing these patterns, and teaching the body a new way of being can re-establish heathy breathing mechanics, that will in turn create balance throughout the nervous system restoring physical, mental and emotional well being on all levels.

class/event schedule


may 19 · 1-3 PM, holistika, Lafayette, ca

a breathwork journey: healing through grief

May 20 · 6:30-8 PM, holistika, Lafayette, ca

embodiment lab for men

JUNE 4 · 6-8 PM, holistika, Lafayette, ca

“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."

-Carl Jung